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    Program Erasmus+ KA2 Description More than the 27% of young people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion (Eurostat, 2019). Their personal circumstances and the environment in which they live may make them vulnerable to various violent radical influences. RADart aims to increase awareness and skills among youth workers and other professionals working with children and young people involved in non-formal learning activities. Youth radicalisation has become a growing issue in Europe and its neighbouring regions. All of these concerns have highlighted the need to work with youth workers, to help them find an efficient and effective way to engage with young people at risk of radicalisation. Objectives - To develop accessible and innovative methodologies and promote collaboration among complementary organisations in order to improve competences of youth workers through capacity-building activities - To raise awareness of the impact of art on young people at risk of radicalisation through action research, artistic methodologies, and local and international events - To improve critical thinking skills of young people by involving them in a research and by using art - To raise awareness of the risks of extremism and radicalisation among family members and communities through accessible guidelines Targets Youth workers Young people Broader communities Policy makers Partners RADart project brings together 5 different organisations from 5 EU countries and representing private, public and third sector. Merseyside Expanding Horizons, UK (Coordinator) Elan Interculturel, France Osservatorio di Genere, Italy Le Foyer des Jeunes des Marolles, Belgium Town Hall Kostrzyn nad Odra, Poland For more info: Anna Bellan

  • Mobility+

    Program Erasmus Plus Description Mobility + aims to develop innovative and adaptable training programmes and resources for adult education workers and their beneficiaries. In this way, they will have the opportunity to enrich the career paths of their participants by helping them to gain experience abroad and develop competences that will be complementary to their educational process. The MOBILITY+ project will directly involve 40 adult education workers and 50 participants in mobility projects, of which at least 20 have fewer opportunities. Objectives The objective of the MOBILITY+ project is to develop tools that enable adult education workers to raise awareness and help their beneficiaries to participate in mobility projects. It also aims to adapt the tools so that they can be used by adult education structures not only in the partner countries but also throughout Europe. The project partners will therefore undertake the realisation of 4 intellectual productions: “Information and orientation training” to improve the knowledge of adult education workers about mobility programmes and projects. This will be an opportunity to promote more adapted and personalised support and guidance for future mobility participants. “Competences Manual” for adult education professionals which can help them to understand and explain key competences to their beneficiaries. The result will be fully adapted to the adult education sector; "Path definition" developed in the form of a portfolio and a pedagogical video to help adult education workers link the needs and expectations of their beneficiaries to support competence building; "Valorisation Workshops" and its guide to monitor the follow-up of participants on their return from mobility projects and to reinforce the benefits of international mobility for adult education workers. All four productions will be easy to use, searchable, downloadable, and available in 4 languages (English, French, German and Estonian). Our project will have an impact on the number of adult education workers involved, trained, and empowered to support future mobility participants. It will also have an impact on the future mobility participants who will receive personalised support to be well oriented and prepared to benefit from a mobility experience in terms of skills, professional and personal experience. The project started in November 2020, with a kick-off seminar organised online on the 3rd and 4th November. The seminar helped to set the objectives, the timetable of the project and to distribute the tasks among the partners. Targets -increased inclusion of adult learners - adult education workers Partners Merseyside Expanding Horizons , Liverpool, UK (Coordinator) ADICE, France Johannes Mihkelsoni Keskus, Estonia European Placement Network, Germany For more info: CONTACT PERSON: Joe Hemington -


    Program Erasmus+ Description The main objective of the In My Art – Inclusive Multicultural societies through Art project is to encourage young people to build an inclusive society and intercultural community especially in contexts where migrants have fewer opportunities to be actively involved into host communities. The project aims to: - Raise awareness among Youth Workers and organisations about the real needs and desires of young people in order to effectively adapt methods and practices using arts in various multicultural contexts - Develop and share effective and sustainable practices inspired by Arte Migrante method with other organisations to build an inclusive society based on dialogue, cohesion, diversity and non-discrimination - Promote active participation of Young People in their own community with a special focus on Young People at risk of Social Exclusion due to cultural, social and economic obstacles. Targets Youth Workers, Young People and organisations that will be trained through innovative methodologies and tools in order to connect with young people at risk of social exclusion Partners Per esempio Onlus (Italy) Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK) Arte Migrante (Italy) Groupe de recherche et de realizations pour le développement rural (France) AWO Kreisverband (Germany) United Societies of Balkans (Greece) Asociación Caminos – Asociación para el intercambio educación y desarrollo social (Spain) For more info: Anna Bellan Website: Learn more about In my Art, read our second Newsletter!

  • European Anti-Bullying Network

    Programme Merseyside Expanding Horizons is now involved in a 18 month project funded by the DG Justice under the Daphne III programme. Description The Daphne III programme aims to contribute to the protection of children, young people and women against all forms of violence and attain a high level of health protection, well-being and social cohesion. Research activities at local level in the field of youth have been carried out by European Youth Worker Irene La Pera from Palermo Italy who is working at MEH for 6 months under the Youth in Action 4.3 project 'YALIM - Youth Active Learning in Moving'. Research has involved investigation into the current framework across Europe concerning policy legislation and goodpractices to support the prevention of bullying. Targets This network involves partners from Greece, Italy, Roumania, Germany and the UK who will work together to fight bullying and share best practices. Goals The European Anti-Bullying Network aims to campaign to stop bullying across Europe. Outputs Watch the EAN documentary here Partners Merseyside Expanding Horizons is now involved in a 18 month project funded by the DG Justice under the Daphne III programme. The Daphne III programme aims to contribute to the protection of children, young people and women against all forms of violence and attain a high level of health protection, well-being and social cohesion. The European Anti-Bullying Network aims to campaign to stop bullying across Europe. This network involves partners from Greece, Italy, Roumania, Germany and the UK who will work together to fight bullying and share best practices. Research activities at local level in the field of youth have been carried out by European Youth Worker Irene La Pera from Palermo Italy who is working at MEH for 6 months under the Youth in Action 4.3 project 'YALIM - Youth Active Learning in Moving'. Research has involved investigation into the current framework across Europe concerning policy legislation and goodpractices to support the prevention of bullying. Watch the EAN documentary here For more information about the EAN project please click here


    Program Erasmus Plus Description INCAI (Inclusive artificial Intelligence) is a two year Erasmus Plus Strategic partnership sharing of good practice project in the field of adult education. The partnership is made up of 8 partners from 8 EU countries, from Community and Adult Education, HE, Technical and business sectors. The INCAI project aims to examine the ways specific AI technology can support diverse learners and how AI is used in particular in the context of Adult Education to provide a more inclusive and flexible learning environment. Educators from partner organisations will link with ICT/AI specialist organisations in their country and work with a specific target groups of disadvantaged learners and co – produce a wireframe plan for a piece of AI technology which would meet specific needs of that target group. In doing this it will improve the skills and competencies of the adult educators and provide them with innovative learning methodologies to make their services more inclusive as well as the competencies knowledge and insight of disadvantaged learners and knowledge and skills of AI professionals and social partners. At meetings in will be used for a mixture of general management and administration and sharing of learning and exchange of current good practice and a visit to the local AI specialist along with representatives of the target group. Objectives The overall aim of the project is to produce a more effective educational experience for adult learners in the contexts mentioned through effective strategies focused on improving the inclusion of adults from marginal, vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. objectives are: To compare, share and identify and promote good practice that can enhance the inclusion of adults from disadvantaged groups in education and learning. To enhance the provision of good quality learning opportunities to adults learners in particular those from excluded groups To contribute to social inclusion in education across the EU using AI To develop and broaden the competences of adult education providers and organisations work with adult learners from excluded groups To demonstrate the significant role AI technology can play in improving inclusion in learning in current practices across EU To present identified best practices and develop guidelines on how to prepare AI wireframes. Targets increased inclusion of adult learners increased ICT skills and competences for adult learners increased competences and skills for educators in partner organisations increased capacity of partner organisations to serve adult learners from disadvantaged groups. There will be 6 transnational Partnership Meetings and 2 Learning events and each will explore a different theme Introduction to AI in Education Introduction to AI wireframes AI in learning in Industry New innovations in AI AI and social inclusion Future developments in AI In addition to local participants and stakeholders who attend these events and who participate in local activities. The transnational dimension is imperative in this project, contributions from different EU partners across Europe will enable learning, sharing of good practices and a wide dissemination. It will also build innovative and productive partnerships for future collaboration and contribute to the future agenda of inclusive AI in Adult Education. Each partner will work with local group of learners to produce an AI wireframe to help make their learning more inclusive. The partnership will produce a sustainability plan to continue to develop the ideas and work more on this theme through future projects and mainstreaming. Partners Merseyside Expanding Horizons , Liverpool, UK (Coordinator) Asociazion de Investigacion de la industria del juguete conexas (AIJU), Eibi, Spain Synergasia enogon polition Athens, Greece I and e education and development limited, Dublin, Ireland; Value hub AB, Stockholm, Sweden Kauno Technologijos universitetas, Lithuania CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE PER LA PROMOZIONE DELL'EDUCAZIONE E LO SVILUPPO ASSOCIAZIONE, Palermo, Italy ORANGE HILL Sp. z o.o., Krakow, Poland For more info: CONTACT PERSON PROJECT WEBSITE in construction

  • Social Inclusion for Disadvantaged Youth (SIDY)

    Programme: European Voluntary Service. Project No: 2018-2-UK01-KA125-048619. Description Social Inclusion for Disadvantaged Youth (SIDY) is a 24 months project. The project will select 6 volunteers (from 18 to 30 years old) from European countries which are interested in the field of social inclusion, migration and environment. Volunteers will have the opportunity to explore the subjects they care about and to support local communities and local organisations by acquiring knowledge and skills for their future employment. Target Young people from 18 to 30 years old. Contact

  • INSArt

    Programme Lifelong learning programme Description The “Insertion des jeunes défavorisés par l’art [Inclusion of marginalized youngsters through art]” (INSART) project, involves a Consortium of 5 organisations. It aims is to improve the employability of young marginalized or migrant people aged 16/25. As youth unemployment progressively increases across the EU, social exclusion and marginalization are causing severe consequences on young people. The INSART project will use an innovative methodology that merges artistic pedagogy and intercultural psychology. Social Excluded young people will receive the necessary tools and training that will enable and empower them in a new and more efficient manner, demonstrate the important role art has in all situations and for all kinds of recipients. The training sessions will enable participants to use artistic techniques (drawing, dance, music, and film making) to support their personal and social development, and understand their inclinations and desires. They will discover their hidden and underrated skills and will enhance them. Moreover, the artistic products and performances of these pilot sessions will be exhibited at the final conference in Berlin. Target Young marginalized or migrant people aged 16/25. Goals The project aims to pass on this creative inclusion methodology to adult trainers, educators and employment professionals, who will benefit from training and a manual on youth inclusion through art. Outputs MEH will actively support the project in its research as well as pilot and training sessions. Moreover, MEH will lead the internal evaluation and will set up the reference terms of external evaluation. Our aim is to guarantee excellent results, impact, key measures of success and quality/relevance of the products developed. The project is co-financed with support of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Grundtvig Programme. Partners Elan Interculturel (France) – Project Coordinators Les Ateliers d’Art Contemporain (Belgium) Merseyside Expanding Horizons (United Kingdom) Berlink ETN GmbH (Germany) CESIE (Italy) For further information on the project, please visitour website: or write to

  • DISI

    Program Erasmus + Description DISI project aims to fight illiteracy and to improve language and calculating skills among adults, and to improve learnint tools for trainers and teachers working with migrants or illiterated people. In developed countries and societies, new technologies are becoming essential parts in citizens life. Targets The target groups are migrant learners with low or no education, researchers, adult teachers, trainers, local/national decision makers. Goals Exchanging and comparing experiences and case studies carried out in the partner countries about the ICT supported teaching methodologies used in L2 with illiterate or low educated adult migrants. Developing an Analytical Gridwork which will evaluate innovative elements, similarities and differences, strong points and weaknesses, compare their methodologies and highlight their possible development also in technological terms for the use of ICT in teaching to adult migrant people at risk of social exclusion. From the research will be developed methodological model and guidelines for teachers and practitioners, and a video-tutorial, on how to use ICT in literacy courses and in teaching languages as L2 to adult migrant people with low - or no - educational levels. Piloting the methodological model and guidelines in 7 partner countries Developing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for teachers to facilitate their training on the use of ICT in language classes with the above mentioned target group. Disseminating the methodological model and guidelines and the MOOC through the implementation of a European Conference and national events in all partner countries addressed to adult education staff, researchers and stakeholders so as to promote the use and the potential of ICT in education. Evaluating the impact that the analyzed case studies can have on the process of social inclusion of illiterate or low educated migrant people. Outputs For migrant learners a new element of marginalization consists in the digital divide, while practitioners and teachers often lack the necessary competences or haven’t found adequate instruments to cope with this new challenge. DISI aims to enmmbed ICT in the development of learning tools to learn the language of the hosting country (L2). Partners ADAMASTOR - Associacao cultural - PT MERSEYSIDE EXPANDING HORIZONS LIMITED - UK ADAMASTOR - Associacao cultural - PT KWB Koordinierungsstelle Weiterbilund und Beschäftigung e. V. - DE Consiglio Nazionale Delle Riecerche - IT ASMOUNE- FR For more info: Contact: or

  • Create

    Program This is a European partnership Project. Description Create is a new two years Erasmus+ project, which will  develop learning resources to support the professional development of new and existing Creative Therapists working with migrants and refugees being resettled in the partner countries and across the EU. Create will develop 2 training modules which promote partnership working among Creative Therapists  through existing packages of support for refugee and migrants to EU countries. It will also produce a training module specifically aimed at the supervisors of Arts Therapists working with Refugees and Migrants.  By creating these training modules the resettlement of refugees and migrants across EU will be more effective, thus supporting them to become more active citizens, and remove barriers to learning and employment. Create will contribute to the achievement of: The objectives of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020) • The promotion of European values in accordance with Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union. • EU Agenda on Migration (2015) The development of professional Arts Therapists to work in the resettlement of refugees and migrants, across Europe supports the EU agenda for adult learning. Targets Creative Therapists, refugees and migrants Goals • To develop an innovative approach to designing training programmes for Arts Therapists • To improve the integration of migrants with mental health problems through development of Arts Therapies resources. • To develop innovative approaches to strengthen the training paths of prospective and practicing Arts Therapists equipping them with all competences and skills needed to deliver high quality therapy and address the needs of young migrants experiencing mental ill health who wish to improve their life. • Strengthen cooperation and exchange of best practice between European organisations in the development of co-produced training packages and new approaches to the integration of young migrants experiencing mental ill health. Partners Merseyside Expanding Horizons, Liverpool, UK Sola Arts, Liverpool, UK CESIE, Palermo, Italy Deutsche Gesellschaft für Theatertherapie e.V., Berlin, Germany Compagnie Arti-Zanat', Paris, France Associazione Sementera Onlus, Perugia, Italy For Further information on the project please contact Stacey Robinson Tel : 0151 330 0552

  • Mobility + 101

    The objective of the MOBILITY+ project is to build tools that enable adult education workers to raise awareness and support their learners when taking part in mobility projects. The project will develop 4 interlinked specific outputs, all linked to each other. The first of the project outputs has now been completed with the creation of an “Information & Orientation Training Guide for Future Mobility Projects” This training guide is developed in the frame of the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Mobility+ project. The objective of the Mobility+ project is to inform and train adults’ education workers to ensure the quality of supporting future international mobility participants. International mobility experiences abroad will enrich their participant’s professional path by helping them acquiring an experience abroad and developing competences that will be complementary to their educational process. Thus, the guide promotes a more adapted and personalised support and guidance of future mobility participants. The guide is divided in 5 parts: International mobility project & the current opportunities to participate using existing funding streams The benefits of international mobility projects & how to showcase them Conditions for a successful mobility project: Methodology to support a participant before, during and after his/her mobility project Mobility Success Stories and statistics How to find more information, partners and apply for funding streams The project will develop complementary tools and methods to train adults’ education workers in the support of participants and especially those with fewer opportunities (support before, during and after their mobility project to ensure high quality experience and a strong impact on the professional and personal inclusion). A copy of the completed Guide is available from ADICE website or by clicking on the liMobility+ IO1 Guide.pdf link below:

  • The Big Onion

    With our primary goal being to support vulnerable people to make positive and lasting changes in their lives, MEH are committed to being part of the recovery! The Big Onion was born from a program Merseyside Expanding Horizons started in 2008, which gave support and advice to business starters and entrepreneurs. We aspired to give as much support as possible to new and local businesses, and so providing a physical shop space for these people was the natural evolution! The Big Onion Enterprise and Employment Incubator Hubs play an integral part of our inclusive strategy to support local entrepreneurialism, create jobs and strengthen communities. In December 2020 MEH successfully opened the Big Onion Bootle Hub where in year 1 it will support: - 60 new entrepreneurs to commence trading whilst receiving wraparound business support. Within this target is a commitment to support 15 women from BAME communities - 300 young people under the age of 25 with targeted employability support working in partnership with the Department of Work & Pensions - Support 90 people into full time jobs - 1600 local residents to engage in the community programme delivered from the Hub - 25 people into structured volunteering opportunities - 60 local businesses to upskill their staff by delivering accredited training The Big Onion hubs have three layers: - The Market Space - The Employability Hub - The Community Centre The Market Space – It’s simple….here’s the deal: each trader is charged affordable rent for a self-contained unit within our mall. Signing a 1-year lease with a rolling 28 day break clause we support each trader to trade 6 days a week. In addition to the unit traders receive wrap around support and targeted interventions and support plan to help them grow. Within a supportive environment alongside a community of peers, we feel this is a unique offer. The Employability Hubs are unique! We provide space, support and one-to-one mentoring for anybody seeking employment. This includes how to find jobs and how to successfully apply for them. The hubs also engage with local employers to support them to fill opportunities within their businesses with local people. In addition we support our local employers through business development activities and targeted accredited training to upskill their existing workforce. Finally we work closely with JobCentre Plus and other public, private and third sector agencies to reach out to local people. All in one hub! The Community Hubs are run for and by the communities. They are venues for local people to meet for a range of activities and utilise the venue to their fullest potential. Whether it be learning something new or developing your skills, improving wellbeing, or giving something back to your local community. The Big Onion Enterprise and Employment Incubator Hubs enable us to: Provide tailored business and social enterprise support to a variety of different groups across a range of business sectors Provide bespoke employability support and coaching to people from diverse backgrounds in direct partnership with Jobcentre+ and a variety of other cross sector providers of employability and training. Signpost and refer potential entrepreneurs who need industry specific support e.g. digital. Support participants and their families by providing practical and emotional support. Provide test trading and incubation support to fledgling enterprises. Work with schools and further and higher education institutions Through the Big Onions we work with people from disadvantaged groups who face multiple barriers to employment, the majority of whom have never considered self-employment or business start-up as a way back into work. We run a number of activities and projects that promote, support and enable individuals facing these barriers to start their business, become self-employed or enter mainstream employment. Our work at The Big Onion is underpinned by a delivery methodology which supports people using the following methods: - Understanding the individual including their experiences, skills, personal circumstances, and internal and external barriers; - Co-production of Individualised business/employment planning and support; - Coaching and mentoring to start business or access employment opportunities; - Ongoing business and employment mentoring in early stages of business start-up or employment; - Re-engagement with busines or employment support where necessary. Through this work we have developed a strong understanding of the needs of people facing barriers to both business start-up and employment. This experience has given us a real insight into the main barrier that stops many retail entrepreneurs from launching their business: access to quality, affordable, and flexible retail units. Over the course of the next 3 years, we aim to establish a Big Onion in each of the 6 local authority areas of Liverpool City Region including Sefton, Halton, St Helens, Wirral, Liverpool and Knowsley. Following on from this we envisage establishing Big Onions in the wider Cheshire and West Lancashire areas. Based on our current projections and forecasts we believe that each Big Onion Enterprise & Employment hub will inject over £500,000 into the local economy, support 90 jobs and improve the lives of some 1600 local people. For more info:

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