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  • The Erasmus+ Project: DEISY I

    Project DEISY - The Development of European Values for Inclusive Society I has now come to an end. This project enabled MEH to host 4 volunteers from Spain, Italy and Ireland who had the opportunity to take part in solidarity activities, local projects and to make positive changes whilst engaging with the local community in Liverpool. They strengthened their skills and developed values of citizenship, solidarity, equality and tolerance while working on different Erasmus+ project within a multicultural environment. We thank them all for their active involvement and contribution at MEH and we wish them the best for their future projects!

  • The Mobility+ project

    Over the past 2 years, the partners of the KA2 Mobility+ project have cooperated and collaborated in order to successfully achieve the main objective of the project: To enable adult education workers to raise awareness and support their beneficiaries to participate in mobility projects. To do this, the project created innovative, interactive and user-friendly tools. These tools are as follows: The Guide - Information and Orientation to improve adult education workers' knowledge of mobility programmes and projects. The Competence Manual for adult education professionals, which will help them to understand and explain the key competences to their beneficiaries. The Portfolio - Build your international mobility project to help adult education workers link the needs and expectations of their beneficiaries in order to achieve competence building, accompanied by an educational video. The Guide - Valorisation Workshop to monitor the effectiveness of the follow-up of participants after the return from mobility projects and to reinforce the benefits of international mobility for adult education workers. These four tools are complementary and have been designed to help adult education workers to provide optimal, inclusive and pedagogical support to their international mobility participants. The project has had an impact on different target audiences at different levels: Adult education professionals are involved, trained and empowered to support future international mobility participants. Future international mobility participants receive personalised support in order to be well oriented and prepared to benefit from the mobility experience in terms of professional and personal skills and experience. The impact has been on the degree of added value that the development of strong active partnerships between the sending organisations and their network of adult educators will bring to the partner organisations. This has strengthened their cooperation and contribution to the proper orientation and support of the beneficiaries in the adult education sector. Thus, the Mobility+ cooperation project can be considered successful and the tools created will contribute to guarantee the smooth running of the support of the participants in international mobility. The good cooperation between the partners allows the project to be closed under good conditions. A big thank you to all of you for the work accomplished, and we look forward to meeting again on new projects, whatever they may be. For more information contact: Joe Hemington Maïlys Joubert

  • You Broke Our Star

    Presentation to the EU Parliament of the Project “CyberIncluding Goes Europe” From 11th - 15th July, 7 participants from the UK had an opportunity to present the legislative proposal "Bullying, cyberbullying and hate speech: phenomena to prevent and fight", together with 4 other partner Organisations to the European Parliament. Despite not being part of the EU we still feel united in diversity with our European friends under the common cause of cyber bullying advocacy. It has been both a pleasure and privilege to take a transnational approach with young people to advocate changes that disproportionately affect the youth. We, as young people, understand that cyber bullying is an important social issue and we felt accomplished to be able to share our thoughts on the phenomenon. We are hoping to get somewhere with what we have shared and hope to make a change for the younger generations within Europe. Some of us have struggled with bullying before and this topic hits close to home, so it is important for us to be heard. From a personal experience, bullying affects your confidence, well-being and spirit. We don’t want other young people to go through the turmoils some of us have experienced without consequences towards the bully. Having the tragic realisation that we can no longer take part in European projects is extremely disheartening as we feel that we have made changes in the right direction and we wish to continue to do so. However, we look to the future with great hope, knowing that the EU has young representatives who strongly advocate for future policies. We would like to think that this is not a goodbye, rather a Bon Voyage! Authors: Anja Marojević, Sabin Mares, Sana Gubari, Rodolfo III Abedejos, Ellie Leacy, Annabelle Marsden, Samarh Gubar

  • Youth2Unite

    Stand up against hate and violence Youth2Unite has been developed as a result of the rising incidences of hate crime – physical and online – which are occurring across Europe and which are gaining momentum. Incidents across Europe indicate that many people are harassed, threatened or assaulted verbally or physically, or experience hatred daily because of their ethnicity, skin colour, religion, gender and sexuality, physical and mental (dis)abilities or other characteristics. Moreover, public discourses, including online platforms and social media, are steeped in hate speech targeting ethnic, religious and other minorities. Objectives Aimed at equipping youth workers with the tools to help identify and combat hate crime behaviours in young people, Youth2Unite will encourage a change in attitude in young people and encourage them to consider the impact of their physical or online attacks and to become, instead, active agents for change. Youth2Unite’s objectives are to: Reduce discrimination, improve intercultural communication, raise awareness about different identities and increase active citizenship; Tackle hatred and stigmatisation of particular ethnic and religious communities (e.g. bias against Roma and Sinti, bias against Muslims, Anti-Semitism etc); Prevent and combat hateful behaviours, hate crime and serious forms of hate speech against LGBTIQA* communities; Promote tolerance, mutual understanding, social cohesion, and support the fight against racism and xenophobia by cultivating critical thinking to people both youth workers and young people. Outcomes The project will result in: Development of a specific curriculum with new and innovative modules that will address the issues of hate crime and hate speech. through interactive and participatory learning. A youth worker’s manual: tailor-made manual for youth workers, trainers and schools to enable the delivery of training that will specifically address the issue of hate on the internet, and particularly the topic of hate speech online. A Bystander Intervention Kit for young people: an integrated set of educational materials intended for use by young people, providing effective techniques to engage the bystanders, and activities that will raise awareness and build necessary skills for successful bystander interventions Don't miss it! Youth2Unite Measurement Tool to measure the impact on attitudes of young people undertaking the awareness raising training. A multilingual Open Resource e-learning portal that will support the delivery of, and access to, all learning resources produced. Partners Pistes-Solidaires, Pau, France SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education, Cyprus Athens Lifelong Learning Institute VNB (Association of Education Initiatives in Lower Saxony) Merseyside Expanding Horizons For more information, visit the website:

  • Enterprise Hub Skills

    Project Enterprise Hub Skills Project is a programme of entrepreneurial training, learning and development focused on Liverpool City Region residents who are thinking about starting their own business, who are self-employed, working or volunteering within or running small businesses. The objective is to support and improve their individual business skills, knowledge and capacity. This would be achieved by providing a specially designed package of community outreach, one to one advice, accredited and non-accredited enterprise skills development and training support. Enterprise Hub Skills training will therefore help to improve enterprise skills and qualifications levels, which would lead to increased numbers of enterprises created in the Liverpool City Region as well as improving their sustainability and performance. It will also help to promote a culture of entrepreneurial learning and development in LCR and critically help improve growth and productivity. The programme will be delivered between 1 st January 2020 and 30 th June 2023 with final data collection by 31st July 2023. Objective The programme has been designed to address a number of specific problems: - Bespoke pre-start up enterprise training for individuals from disadvantaged groups - Provide necessary accredited skills and support to Unemployed and Economically Inactive and employed people in Liverpool City Region to empower them to develop their enterprise, teamworking and leadership skills MEH’s programme will provid participants an opportunity to develop and understand enterprise and entrepreneurialism and bridge the gap of people from disadvantaged people developing entrepreneurial related skills within LCR. It will enable access not available through mainstream routeways into sustainable businesses.. Targets We will work with 158 unemployed people and economically active people before June 2023 supporting 98 of these individual into education or employment. Partners The Women’ Organisation – Lead Partner (accountable body) Citizens Advice, Halton Everton Development Trust Granby Toxteth Development Trust Liverpool John Moores University MAKE CIC Raise Advice For more info: Joe Hemington,

  • ICT for Seniors

    Program Erasmus + Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education Exchange of Good Practices Description In the context of the European Union, two of the most important changes that marked the 21st century are the emergence of an elderly population at a rate that has never been seen before and the rapidly developing information and communication technologies. While it is necessary that the simultaneous development of these two changes should support each other, the elderly population is the part of society that is the farthest from the technology. This project offers us two concepts that need to be integrated with each other for a better future in the new world: Seniors and ICT. The aging population will be isolated from social life and have bigger difficulties to cope with the different situations brought by aging if they are left alone and cannot integrate with technology. Seniors, who may have difficulty in leaving their homes, will not ne excluded from social life thanks to technology, they will be able to undertake their tasks, shopping, bank transactions more easily, connect with their loved ones through technological means and access lifelong learning opportunities on the internet. Thus, the technology will not only eliminate the feelings of loneliness but will also contribute to their participation in social life through various platforms. Objectives Compare, contrast, identify and promote good practice that can enhance seniors’ active social inclusion in social life and lifelong learning practices. Enhance the provision of good quality learning opportunities to seniors. Contribute to seniors' social inclusion by using ICT in partner countries. Develop and extend the competences of adult education providers and organizations that work with adults in general and seniors in particular. Demonstrate the significant role ICT plays in ensuring social inclusion of seniors and their active participation in social life and lifelong learning through current practices across EU. Present identified best practices and develop new ideas to prepare a Good Practice Resource Guide and Seniors@ICT social media channel. Drive social change and contribute to society’s outlook to seniors’ active involvement in society by writing and sending a report on Positive Impact of ICT on Seniors’ Social Inclusion to policy makers in adult education sphere and by providing local, regional, national and EU level dissemination activities. Results 6 short term joint training events and 1 transnational meeting with 126 participants from 9 partners (18 participants in each event in addition to local participants and stakeholders who attend these events). Good Practice Resource Guide and Seniors@ICT social media channels Report on Positive Impact of ICT on Seniors’ Social Inclusion Partners ICT for Seniors brings 9 partners from EU and partner countries: Bolu Valiliği (Turkey) Bolu İzzet Baysal Halk Eğitimi Merkezi (Turkey) PRO-MED spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia (Poland) Know and Can Association (Bulgaria) Associacio Cultural Meet and Map (Spain) Active Citizens Partnership (Greece) European Development Innovation Network (Scotland) Merseyside Expanding Horizons Limited (United Kingdom) Associazione Memoria Immagine (Italy) For more info: Stacey Robinson

  • PEP - Personalise Employment Pathways

    Program Personalise Employment Pathways (PEP) provides an innovative and customer-focused programme offering a package of holistic and bespoke information advice, guidance support to integrate disadvantaged young people into the labour market. It focuses upon early engagement with young people whose experience of illness, potential illness or personal circumstances (being a care leaver, parent, or carer) has a detrimental impact upon their ability to sustain or engage in meaningful employment. The project will enhance and support the goals and outputs of the Local Economic Partnership and City Employment Strategy. Description Through a multi-agency approach we will engage with relevant beneficiaries at locations pertinent to them and at points where positive action will have maximum impact. In order to meet the different needs of different types of individuals we have developed a number of inter-connected projects which are focused upon different types of barriers to employment. However, all are linked by the common theme of promoting wellbeing through active employment. The Personalised Employment Pathway Programme is delivered across all 6 Local Authority areas that comprise the Liverpool City Region (LCR) LEP area: Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral. All delivery operates from hubs in each of these areas managed or regularly used by project partners which aids the agile delivery of the project through the City Region. Partners Merseytravel Merseyside Expanding Horizons The Joseph Lappin Centre Windmills Each will work with the young person, depending on where they live, or what they are aiming to do –providing flexible, tailored support through the following phases: What we offer? Person-Centred 1-2-1 and group support which enable the young people to move onto sector specific training and expand their employment network and opportunities - developing their Personalised Employment Pathway (PEP). I-Can…Create Employment related attitudes, behaviours, skills, needed to develop and successfully achieve an employment goal. . I-Can…Connect To sector specific training and academies: Transport, Retail, Barista, Customer Service, Hospitality, Entrepreneurship. I-Can…Contribute Support to: Enter employment, explore self-employment, develop social enterprise, or access training opportunities For more info: Joe Hemington


    Description The European Volunteer Events for Therapy through Sports - Events Project - aims to develop strong institutional procedures for the specific contribution of sport and physical exercise to the prevention, the therapy in the field of mental health and the rehabilitation of mental health service users at European level within the overall Active Living context. The project is the practical reflection of the vision of a major European institutional link between the fields of Sport and Mental Health: State Sports Authorities, Federations and Associations, private bodies in the sports sector, National Health Systems, Educational / Research Institutions, Local Government, Private Institutions and Civil Society meet up and join their forces in a movement that promotes an active living, the idea that sport is for everyone, that sport fosters our soul. Goals - The inclusive participation of population with or without mental disorders - The combination of Sport and Physical Activities - The lack of any competitive concerns among the participants - Multiple choices activities instead of strictly structured sport programs - The direct relation with the natural environment instead of activities that can be implemented only in sport premises Partners COOSS Intras Merseyside Expanding Horizons Sporium Gölbaşı Fokus ČR First Fortnight Eufami Asok Anarp For more info:

  • InALMH

    Description The Inter-Active Living for Mental Health (InALMH) project aims to contribute towards the development of an upgrated Policy Framework in the form of Recommendations for EU Guidelines for the use of Sport/PE on Mental Health to create an Interactive Platform (IP) for the collection, the organisation and the dissemination of information concerning the PE Practices providing free access to all interested parties and individuals together with the enhancement for the development of new practices. The IP is a structured WEB space that includes - a Digital Library where the evolutions and updates related to the wider area of Active Living for Mental Health would be hosted and communicated - an innovative Practices' Generator Tool (IT application) in order to enhance and promote the actual use of Sport and Physical Exercise for the benefit of the Mental Health by generating new customised practices. - a User’s Online Forum for the mobilization and participatory involvement of professionals and stakeholders of the two fields. Output - Data collection on the existing policy background – List of policies - Drafting Recommendations on EU Guidelines - Data collection of ALMH practices – List of practices - Interactive Platform in 5 Linguistic Versions Targets The target groups of InALMH are: - Sport/PE and Mental Health professionals - Sport/PE entities of all sectors - Mental Health organisations and services providers - EU institutions and networks - State and Local authorities / services - Educational Institutions - General public PROJECT DURATION: 18 months Partners ENALMH - Coordinator, Belgium University of Thessaly – Trikala, Greece Greece National & Kapodistrian University of Athens– Athens Greece Associazione per la Ricerca sulla Salute Mentale e Fisica dell'Anziano (ARISMA) - Bologna, Italy FOKUS CR- Prague, Czech Republic Instituto Politécnico do Porto,Health School - Porto, Portugal Merseyside Expanded Horizons - Liverpool, United Kingdom Greek Association of Alzheimer - Thessaloniki, Greece Mental Health Europe, EU Network – Brussels, Belgium Sport & Citizenship, EU Think Tank - Paris, France GAMIAN Europe, Global Alliance - Brussels, Belgium EVERTON in the community - Liverpool, United Kingdom For more info: CONTACT PERSON NICOLA DALEY FRANCESCA IAQUINTA

  • Casebook

    Description Casebook is an Erasmus + project funded by European Union which aims to ease the process of inclusion of migrant adults with low skills by developing a casebook for career counsellors and social workers working with them, and a set of additional tools to ease and spread its use. In our definition, the mobility process of adult migrants bears the passage through cultures and geographic movement. Migration implies separation from the well-known surrounding, immersion in and progressive adjustment to new cultural environments, which results in a set of changes at the level of self-perception, self-definition, attitude, behavior patterns as well as in the development of new skills and competences. The casebook will confront learners with a set of questions: is it possible to say that all migrations (and the mobility process within it) are similar? Are there some recognizable, “generalizable” challenges in these migrations experiences? Are there strategies that seem more adaptive and competences that are helpful in overcoming these challenges? How can we better assist and accompany people in mobility situations and in adaptation techniques through a personal guiding process that understand the mobility process of an adult migrant? Target Adult migrants Goals This project wants to ease the process of insertion of adult low skilled migrants by developing a casebook addressed to career counselors and social workers working with them, and a set of additional tools to ease and spread its use. These will be two E-courses, one targeted to career counsellors and social workers and the other one to trainers of career counsellors and social workers, a web based depository for additional cases. A preliminary Study on the use of casebooks for learning will also be developed. For developing the Casebook, every partner will collect and describe a number of case studies of career counselling with adult low skilled migrants according to a common grid for description. Then the cases will be assembled, commented and transformed in an OER (Open Educational Resource) for training of career guidance practitioners. Outputs Case Method is a teaching methodology based on the Socratic Method where the teacher asks learners a series of questions in order to stimulate active involvement of students through debate. A casebook is a tool which collects cases used by trainers to stimulate discussion between trainees which results in theoretical solutions to issues. Partners Project Coordinator: Verein Multikulturell, Austria Mozaik Human Resources Development, Turkey Elan Interculturel, France OXFAM Italia Onlus, Italy Merseyside Expanding Horizons, United Kingdom BBQ Berufliche Bildung gGmbH, Germany For more information contact Anna Bellan:

  • Raise!

    Program Erasmus+ Description Despite efforts to implement policies and procedures in several European countries to tackle hate crime, it appears there are insufficient measures to build a tolerant society. It is evident that this issue cannot be addressed solely by law, we first need to create and share a common understanding of the phenomenon of hate speech to influence change among communities. Through deeper understanding about the issue we might find alternatives to deal with all elements of this subject and respond to create a more cohesive and inclusive society, allowing all citizens, regardless of the cultural, religious, gender or racial differences to live in harmony and less conflict. The main objective of this project is to gain a better understanding of what “hate speech” means and how it can affect young people’s mental health. In addition, the project aims to raise awareness of hate speech crimes among the community and local institutions. Targets Politicians, policy makers, potential oppressors, young people, young survivors, members of school staff, youth organisations, associations dealing with hate speech crimes and social inclusion. Partners Agis, Note et INNOVE (France) Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK) UNITED SOCIETIES OF BALKANS ASTIKI ETAIREIA (Greece) Asociacion Mar Violeta (Spain) PROMIMPRESA (Italy) Associação Novo Mundo Azul (Portugal) For more info: Anna Bellan

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