Personalise Employment Pathways (PEP) provides an innovative and customer-focused programme offering a package of holistic and bespoke information advice, guidance support to integrate disadvantaged young people into the labour market. It focuses upon early engagement with young people whose experience of illness, potential illness or personal circumstances (being a care leaver, parent, or carer) has a detrimental impact upon their ability to sustain or engage in meaningful employment.
The project will enhance and support the goals and outputs of the Local Economic Partnership and City Employment Strategy.
Through a multi-agency approach we will engage with relevant beneficiaries at locations pertinent to them and at points where positive action will have maximum impact.
In order to meet the different needs of different types of individuals we have developed a number of inter-connected projects which are focused upon different types of barriers to employment. However, all are linked by the common theme of promoting wellbeing through active employment.
The Personalised Employment Pathway Programme is delivered across all 6 Local Authority areas that comprise the Liverpool City Region (LCR) LEP area: Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral. All delivery operates from hubs in each of these areas managed or regularly used by project partners which aids the agile delivery of the project through the City Region.
Each will work with the young person, depending on where they live, or what they are aiming to do –providing flexible, tailored support through the following phases:
What we offer?
Person-Centred 1-2-1 and group support which enable the young people to move onto sector specific training and expand their employment network and opportunities - developing their Personalised Employment Pathway (PEP).
Employment related attitudes, behaviours, skills, needed to develop and successfully achieve an employment goal.
To sector specific training and academies: Transport, Retail, Barista, Customer Service, Hospitality, Entrepreneurship.
I-Can…Contribute Support to: Enter employment, explore self-employment, develop social enterprise, or access training opportunities
For more info:
Joe Hemington