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New Horizons


New Horizons is a specifically designed and fully integrated programme of support which will improve the employability of 1950 people who are unemployed or economically inactive. Specifically, those experiencing specific barriers to training, education and employment opportunities e.g. BAME, disabled, people living with specific health conditions and people who have multiple and complex needs.

New Horizons will:

  • engage over 1950 beneficiaries to develop their confidence and self-esteem;

  • support 331 people into training and education;

  • enable 565 economically inactive people to participate in active job search or into employment,

  • support 312 unemployed people to find employment, including selfemployment on leaving;

  • support 585 people into employment, including self-employment 6 months after leaving the project; connect them to volunteering, specific job and job trail opportunities; connect them to other support programmes e.g. Households into Work, Enterprise Hub, Ways to Work ILM,

Apprenticeships, AEB Provision, Building Better Opportunities – Better Off Finance and Digital Projects; assist 98 people with childcare needs by offering them childcare support.


The programme has been designed to address a number of specific problems:

- Bespoke support for individuals with specific difficulty and often multiple barriers to the labour market caused by health and personal circumstances.

- Provide necessary skills and ability to access labour market opportunities to Unemployed and Economically Inactive to secure and remain in employment

- Provide additional and more intensive development support, for those individuals who are unemployed and economically inactive people to complement mainstream Adult Learning and Employment Support programmes thus creating a more level playing field within the labour market.

- Provide specialist pathway support, namely more targeted interventions to assist those with specific needs due to disability, ill health, or personal circumstance and unemployed to secure employment in growth and transformational sectors with Liverpool City Region.

- The need for support to enable those who face these specific barriers to the labour market to access paid work experience and employment in order to become more job ready

- The need to explore non-traditional pathways to the labour market for people with health problems or disabilities

MEH’s programme will provide unemployed and inactive participants an opportunity to develop and understand labour markets and bridge the gap of people with a disability/health condition gaining employment within LCR. It will enable access not available through mainstream routeways into sustainable jobs. In addition it will change the attitudes of local employers towards employing disabled people and building a better understanding of disability and mental health.


We will work with 158 unemployed people and economically active people before June 2023 supporting 98 of these individual into education or employment.


The Women’ Organisation – Lead Partner (accountable body)


For more info: Joe Hemington,

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© 2023 by Merseyside Expanding Horizons

Registration Number: 28914R

Tel: 0151 330 0552 | Fax: 0151 284 2674


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