Erasmus Plus
INCAI (Inclusive artificial Intelligence) is a two year Erasmus Plus Strategic partnership sharing of good practice project in the field of adult education.
The partnership is made up of 8 partners from 8 EU countries, from Community and Adult Education, HE, Technical and business sectors. The INCAI project aims to examine the ways specific AI technology can support diverse learners and how AI is used in particular in the context of Adult Education to provide a more inclusive and flexible learning environment. Educators from partner organisations will link with ICT/AI specialist organisations in their country and work with a specific target groups of disadvantaged learners and co – produce a wireframe plan for a piece of AI technology which would meet specific needs of that target group. In doing this it will improve the skills and competencies of the adult educators and provide them with innovative learning methodologies to make their services more inclusive as well as the competencies knowledge and insight of disadvantaged learners and knowledge and skills of AI professionals and social partners. At meetings in will be used for a mixture of general management and administration and sharing of learning and exchange of current good practice and a visit to the local AI specialist along with representatives of the target group.
The overall aim of the project is to produce a more effective educational experience for adult learners in the contexts mentioned through effective strategies focused on improving the inclusion of adults from marginal, vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.
objectives are:
To compare, share and identify and promote good practice that can enhance the inclusion of adults from disadvantaged groups in education and learning.
To enhance the provision of good quality learning opportunities to adults learners in particular those from excluded groups
To contribute to social inclusion in education across the EU using AI
To develop and broaden the competences of adult education providers and organisations work with adult learners from excluded groups
To demonstrate the significant role AI technology can play in improving inclusion in learning in current practices across EU
To present identified best practices and develop guidelines on how to prepare AI wireframes.
increased inclusion of adult learners
increased ICT skills and competences for adult learners
increased competences and skills for educators in partner organisations
increased capacity of partner organisations to serve adult learners from disadvantaged groups.
There will be 6 transnational Partnership Meetings and 2 Learning events and each will explore a different theme
Introduction to AI in Education
Introduction to AI wireframes
AI in learning in Industry
New innovations in AI
AI and social inclusion
Future developments in AI
In addition to local participants and stakeholders who attend these events and who participate in local activities.
The transnational dimension is imperative in this project, contributions from different EU partners across Europe will enable learning, sharing of good practices and a wide
dissemination. It will also build innovative and productive partnerships for future collaboration and contribute to the future agenda of inclusive AI in Adult Education.
Each partner will work with local group of learners to produce an AI wireframe to help make their learning more inclusive.
The partnership will produce a sustainability plan to continue to develop the ideas and work more on this theme through future projects and mainstreaming.
Merseyside Expanding Horizons , Liverpool, UK (Coordinator)
Synergasia enogon polition Athens, Greece
I and e education and development limited, Dublin, Ireland;
Value hub AB, Stockholm, Sweden
Kauno Technologijos universitetas, Lithuania
ORANGE HILL Sp. z o.o., Krakow, Poland
For more info: CONTACT PERSON
PROJECT WEBSITE in construction