The European Volunteer Events for Therapy through Sports - Events Project - aims to develop strong institutional procedures for the specific contribution of sport and physical exercise to the prevention, the therapy in the field of mental health and the rehabilitation of mental health service users at European level within the overall Active Living context.
The project is the practical reflection of the vision of a major European institutional link between the fields of Sport and Mental Health: State Sports Authorities, Federations and Associations, private bodies in the sports sector, National Health Systems, Educational / Research Institutions, Local Government, Private Institutions and Civil Society meet up and join their forces in a movement that promotes an active living, the idea that sport is for everyone, that sport fosters our soul.
- The inclusive participation of population with or without mental disorders
- The combination of Sport and Physical Activities
- The lack of any competitive concerns among the participants
- Multiple choices activities instead of strictly structured sport programs
- The direct relation with the natural environment instead of activities that can be implemented only in sport premises
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