Merseyside Expanding Horizons is now involved in a 18 month project funded by the DG Justice under the Daphne III programme.
The Daphne III programme aims to contribute to the protection of children, young people and women against all forms of violence and attain a high level of health protection, well-being and social cohesion.
Research activities at local level in the field of youth have been carried out by European Youth Worker Irene La Pera from Palermo Italy who is working at MEH for 6 months under the Youth in Action 4.3 project 'YALIM - Youth Active Learning in Moving'. Research has involved investigation into the current framework across Europe concerning policy legislation and goodpractices to support the prevention of bullying.
This network involves partners from Greece, Italy, Roumania, Germany and the UK who will work together to fight bullying and share best practices.
The European Anti-Bullying Network aims to campaign to stop bullying across Europe.
Watch the EAN documentary here
Merseyside Expanding Horizons is now involved in a 18 month project funded by the DG Justice under the Daphne III programme. The Daphne III programme aims to contribute to the protection of children, young people and women against all forms of violence and attain a high level of health protection, well-being and social cohesion.
The European Anti-Bullying Network aims to campaign to stop bullying across Europe. This network involves partners from Greece, Italy, Roumania, Germany and the UK who will work together to fight bullying and share best practices.
Research activities at local level in the field of youth have been carried out by European Youth Worker Irene La Pera from Palermo Italy who is working at MEH for 6 months under the Youth in Action 4.3 project 'YALIM - Youth Active Learning in Moving'. Research has involved investigation into the current framework across Europe concerning policy legislation and goodpractices to support the prevention of bullying.
Watch the EAN documentary here
For more information about the EAN project please click here