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Casebook is an Erasmus + project funded by European Union which aims to ease the process of inclusion of migrant adults with low skills by developing a casebook for career counsellors and social workers working with them, and a set of additional tools to ease and spread its use.

In our definition, the mobility process of adult migrants bears the passage through cultures and geographic movement. Migration implies separation from the well-known surrounding, immersion in and progressive adjustment to new cultural environments, which results in a set of changes at the level of self-perception, self-definition, attitude, behavior patterns as well as in the development of new skills and competences.

The casebook will confront learners with a set of questions: is it possible to say that all migrations (and the mobility process within it) are similar? Are there some recognizable, “generalizable” challenges in these migrations experiences? Are there strategies that seem more adaptive and competences that are helpful in overcoming these challenges? How can we better assist and accompany people in mobility situations and in adaptation techniques through a personal guiding process that understand the mobility process of an adult migrant?


Adult migrants


This project wants to ease the process of insertion of adult low skilled migrants by developing a casebook addressed to career counselors and social workers working with them, and a set of additional tools to ease and spread its use. These will be two E-courses, one targeted to career counsellors and social workers and the other one to trainers of career counsellors and social workers, a web based depository for additional cases. A preliminary Study on the use of casebooks for learning will also be developed. For developing the Casebook, every partner will collect and describe a number of case studies of career counselling with adult low skilled migrants according to a common grid for description. Then the cases will be assembled, commented and transformed in an OER (Open Educational Resource) for training of career guidance practitioners.


Case Method is a teaching methodology based on the Socratic Method where the teacher asks learners a series of questions in order to stimulate active involvement of students through debate. A casebook is a tool which collects cases used by trainers to stimulate discussion between trainees which results in theoretical solutions to issues.


  • Project Coordinator: Verein Multikulturell, Austria

  • Mozaik Human Resources Development, Turkey

  • Elan Interculturel, France

  • OXFAM Italia Onlus, Italy

  • Merseyside Expanding Horizons, United Kingdom

  • BBQ Berufliche Bildung gGmbH, Germany


For more information contact Anna Bellan:


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