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Erasmus +


Housing is a complex process that requires qualified interventions and the activation of skills and competencies of each local community actors.

Experiences of de-institutionalization, therapeutical communities and shared supported apartments are already known to the international community with the experimented limits and potentials. Housing for severely mentally impaired people represents today an advanced strategy of the social inclusion process with widespread experiences in different European countries. It is closely connected to the internationally well known and diffused approach of “recovery”.

The right to housing, into the context of Mental Health, offers an alternative to non-appropriate institutionalization. The excessive institutionalization of people with mental health issues encumbers on public finances and it has repercussions on the quality of care services


HERO targets are local community actors where Housing is active or can be activated, interested in non-formal and informal learning validation: civil society, volunteers, professionals, users and families: often low-skilled adults on community based inclusion subjects.

In particular HERO's target groups are: 1. Citizens (volunteers, neighbours, local residents, shopkeepers, etc) 2. Mental Health Services' professionals 3. Other Public Agencies (schools, job centres, etc) 4. Users and their families


  • To develop updated, correct, interdisciplinary information appropriate for all interlocutors, that circulates among all the actors involved in the different stages of Housing.

  • A flexible educational model to Housing, addressed to local communities, developed starting from the experience of those that are directly or indirectly involved with housing.

  • Create a European curriculum, integrated by international Housing Quality Indicators, to help local communities to develop skills and competences, and their validation, for an effective Housing process

  • Facilitate the access to education on Housing of Local Communities

  • Increase quality of informal learning (work, family, leisure time) and non-formal learning in the social inclusion field in relation to Housing pathways

  • Widen the key competencies of professionals and non-professionals that operate in the social inclusion field

  • Reduce inequalities of learning results on behalf of people with severe mental disease but even those citizens that don’t usually pursue any form of lifelong learning on inclusion

  • Valorise the housing competencies.




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