Erasmus +
DISI project aims to fight illiteracy and to improve language and calculating skills among adults, and to improve learnint tools for trainers and teachers working with migrants or illiterated people.
In developed countries and societies, new technologies are becoming essential parts in citizens life.
The target groups are migrant learners with low or no education, researchers, adult teachers, trainers, local/national decision makers.
Exchanging and comparing experiences and case studies carried out in the partner countries about the ICT supported teaching methodologies used in L2 with illiterate or low educated adult migrants.
Developing an Analytical Gridwork which will evaluate innovative elements, similarities and differences, strong points and weaknesses, compare their methodologies and highlight their possible development also in technological terms for the use of ICT in teaching to adult migrant people at risk of social exclusion. From the research will be developed methodological model and guidelines for teachers and practitioners, and a video-tutorial, on how to use ICT in literacy courses and in teaching languages as L2 to adult migrant people with low - or no - educational levels.
Piloting the methodological model and guidelines in 7 partner countries
Developing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for teachers to facilitate their training on the use of ICT in language classes with the above mentioned target group.
Disseminating the methodological model and guidelines and the MOOC through the implementation of a European Conference and national events in all partner countries addressed to adult education staff, researchers and stakeholders so as to promote the use and the potential of ICT in education.
Evaluating the impact that the analyzed case studies can have on the process of social inclusion of illiterate or low educated migrant people.
For migrant learners a new element of marginalization consists in the digital divide, while practitioners and teachers often lack the necessary competences or haven’t found adequate instruments to cope with this new challenge. DISI aims to enmmbed ICT in the development of learning tools to learn the language of the hosting country (L2).

For more info: www.disiproject.eu