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Felix, 24, France

European Voluntary Service (EVS) is a great way to get valuable working experience abroad. Merseyside Expanding Horizons offers opportunities for people to participate in EVS, by sending and hosting volunteers.

European Voluntary Service (EVS) is a great way to get valuable working experience abroad. Merseyside Expanding Horizons offers opportunities for people to participate in EVS, by sending and hosting volunteers.

This article is part of the series, where we share the stories of these brave volunteers and interns, who have moved to Liverpool from other countries. In this article, our French team member Felix will share his thoughts about doing an EVS.

What made you apply to a European Voluntary Service (EVS) project?

At the end of my studies I still didn’t know what I really wanted to do. I’ve also never had a long term experience abroad and wanted to try and to improve my social, linguistic and professional skills thanks to a mobility project.

When my sending organisation l’ADICE in France suggested this EVS in Liverpool I decided to apply. For me it was an opportunity because I’ve wanted to live in the UK for a long time, and it also gave me the opportunity to have a first professional experience.

Which is your qualification degree and what encouraged you to candidate to MEH? Why did you choose MEH?


I received a Master degree (Master2) in Political science in 2018 at University of Lille. I applied to MEH because it gave me the opportunity to work in the field of social inclusion which I’ve always been interested in and which is related to my studies, and dissertation.

Why have you decided to get an internship abroad?

As I said, at the end of my studies I did not have a real professional project. I wanted to have an experience abroad in order to improve my personal, social and linguistic skills. I wanted to have a break, think about my future and enhance my professional skills by a rich and intercultural experience abroad.

MEH works in an international context with different employees around the world: how do you find yourself in this context? Which are the differences that you noticed most between England culture and your home country?

This intercultural context is very enriching for me and for the work we do here. It is what I really expected to find here before coming.

What is the thing you are missing most about your home country?

I think the things I miss the most are small pleasures like food and drinks I cannot find in the UK, and of course my friends.

What is the thing you like most and the thing you would like to change about Liverpool?

Liverpool has a significant intercultural, social and politic history which is still alive and that you can see everywhere. There is a rich and interesting cultural background (music etc) which is really fascinating.

I would like to change the weather and also some times the food I can find here.

Describe MEH in 3 words

Inclusion, non-formal learning, intercultural

Do you think that your experience in MEH has changed something in your being? (Professional and unprofessional point of view)

On a professional point of view, this experience is very useful for me. It allows me to discover a new work environment in which I would like to work; the third sector in the field of social inclusion and project management. What’s more I am improving my English skills and it will absolutely be very useful.

Do you think that your experience in MEH will be useful in a future? (Personal point of view)

On a personal point of view, it allows me to meet a lot of people from different backgrounds and countries, in MEH but also outside of work.

It will be very useful, it really helps to increase my social network with people around Europe and the world. Of course it is very rewarding for me.

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